Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Curtis Youngblood blades

Curtis Youngblood has Cosmetically Flawed Blades - COSFLAW

These cosmetically flawed blades available directly through www.curtisyoungblood.com in all the current sizes we offer. These blades have slight cosmetic flaws in them such as over spray on the paint, slight weave defects or scratches. The blades are perfect other than these minor appearance issues and make a great practice blade for a great price. They have the words Cosmetic Flaw etched into the surface of the blade near the bolt hole,and come in a plain white box. These blades are available only through www.curtisyoungblood.com website, any others are not genuine Radix blades. Please email sales@curtisyoungblood.com for ordering instructions and availability, or give us a call at 979-779-2172. (Only available for U.S. shipping)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Raptor 90 Canopy

Guys check it out. This is a wicked canopy painted by a local guy Steve Watson.